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2021年9月25日 11:31编程 > 2709人已围观
简介 如果" my_variable"是字符串,则可以利用切片过滤器,该过滤器将字符串视为字符列表。如果是一组单词,则大致等同于 truncatewords -但这听起来不太像您的需要。 truncatewords 还添加了省略号 ... 截断结果的结尾。...
如果" my_variable"是字符串,则可以利用切片过滤器,该过滤器将字符串视为字符列表。如果是一组单词,则大致等同于 truncatewords -但这听起来不太像您的需要。
truncatewords 还添加了省略号 ... 截断结果的结尾。
{{my_variable | slice:":255"}}
I am trying to output the first 255 characters of a description on a list of items and am looking for a method to get that.
Example: I have a variable that contains 300 or so characters.
I call that variable like this, {{ my_variable|characterlimit:255 }}
and it would return only the first 255 characters of that variable.
If this tag doesn't exist, I will simply create it (and suggest that it goes into django), but I wanted to make sure it didn't before I took the time to do that. Thanks!
If the "my_variable" is a string, you can take advantage of the slice filter, which treats the string as a list of characters. If it's a set of words, the rough equivilant is truncatewords - but that doesn't quite sound like your need.
truncatewordsalso adds an ellipsis ... at the end of the truncated result.
Usage would be something like
{{ my_variable|slice:":255" }}
上一篇: django模板中自动加载static
下一篇: django无限分类
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